Thank you for your interest in our gymnastics program.
To register online please follow the steps below:
1. New Members click on “CLICK TO BEGIN” and create an account and login
PLEASE DO NOT CREATE A DUPLICATE ACCOUNT – If you are a Returning Customer click on “MEMBER LOGIN” and follow the instruction.
2. After creating an account, you can request an Active Enrollment or a Trial Class. All scheduling must be done online.
3. We need to have signed Membership Form on file prior to the first class. This form is available through our portal or in our office.
4. Click on our school-year calendar with all important dates for reference
5. If the class you are interested in is full, you are able to add them to the waitlist and/or schedule your child for a different class.
PLEASE NOTE: All new STUDENTS must pay an annual enrollment fee of $50 entitling your child to discounts on open gym and any special events held at the gym.
ALSO NOTE: All new FAMILIES must pay a security deposit at the time of registration. This fully refundable fee of $75 is per family serves to guarantee your children’s space in each session throughout the school year.